Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past Papers

When taking your Functional Skills Level 2 Maths exam, you will be expected to have a certain level of knowledge regarding the subject. For many who have not studied the subject for a number of years, you may be unsure as to the level of your knowledge. One way in which to test your level of knowledge is through the use of Past Papers. These are a collection of past exams that others have taken. Used as a means of revision, as well as a way to test your current knowledge. These papers can help to gauge your current knowledge, looking for gaps. Informing you of your strengths and weaknesses. Helping to prevent you from wasting precious revision time on subjects that you are already familiar with.
Their primary use however is as revision material. Used to test what you have learned towards the end of your revision period. Helping you to focus on the areas that you are still struggling with. As well as been an excellent way to see if you are fully repaired to take your exams

Past Papers

Topic Area Quiz

How to Use Past Papers

While just taking the past papers is a good start. You can get a lot more out of them if you follow a set of guidelines while doing the papers. To get the full experience you will need to take the papers in exam conditions. By mimicking these conditions you will get a feel of what taking the exam will be like. As well as prevents the temptation of cheating. Giving you a better idea of your knowledge level.

By doing this you will gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses of the different subjects that will be covered in the exam. Helping to visualize which subjects you need to spend the rest of your time revising.

Each paper will also come with its own marking scheme (no one will mark it for you!). While at first glance this may seem annoying and a waste of time. It however provides a unique opportunity to see exactly where you are going wrong for each question. So you have an easier time of seeing exactly where you are struggling. It shows you how you failed a question, as well as how it should have been answered.


When using the papers for the first time, you can become easily discouraged if you failed the paper. The past papers will be just as hard as the exam itself so will require a high level of knowledge in order to receive a passing grade on them. By judging your overall knowledge right at the beginning of your revision, you may affect your confidence and feel discouraged. Many tend to not use the papers until they have a good amount of revision time under their belt for this reason.

Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past Papers

Gain access to brilliant, high quality Past Papers collected by us to help you prepare for your exam

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The exam conditions consist of:

No one been present in the room
No one will be allowed in the room while you are taking your Maths exam. If someone walks into the room while you are taking the exam, it could be seen as cheating and make the exam void.

No resources or notes
You will not be allowed any resources at all during the exam. The invigilator will go as far as to check your room, desk, and your scrap paper to ensure you don’t have anything.

Nothing else open on the device
You will not be allowed to have anything open on the device besides the Zoom call and the exam itself. So you can’t go searching on google for the answers for example.

No mobile phone, or other electrical devices
You will not be allowed a mobile phone, second mc, second screen, or any other electrical device besides the one you will be taking the exam on. As the invigilator cannot see what is going on with those screens.

No breaks when taking the papers
You would not get a break during the actual exam. Leaving the room during the exam could be a breach of exam conditions. It would give you the opportunity to cheat or ask someone for advice.

No distractions
This includes music, tv, and so on. You would not be allowed these in the actual exam. As it would cause a distraction for you. Making it harder to gauge what your actual knowledge level is

The Exam Boards

The past papers we offer come from a large variety of exam boards. So we will have different variations of the papers as each exam board will have different requirements. We mainly offer these so that you are able to find the papers that best suit the exam that you will be taking. Fundamentally, all the past papers will cover the main core skills. These being…

  • Numbers, as well as the number system

  • Measurements, shapes, and spaces

  • And handling of information and data

Choosing the right Exam Board

When choosing the papers you need to revise from, you will firstly need to find the correct exam board. This will be the one that you will be taking your exam with. Choosing the papers from the correct exam board will lead to more accurate revision materials. Giving you the most accurate experience of what taking the exam will be like.

Below are the selection of exam boards that we provide past papers for:


City and Guilds


Open Awards


Highfield Qualifications